The protagonists
- Foreword
- Semir Osmanagic
- Ghost scientists
- Google doesn’t like Bosnian scientists
- Using the appeal to authority
- The "family circle"
- Some news from the foreign scientists
- Frictions inside the Foundation ?
- The book "The Bosnian pyramid of the Sun"
- First impressions from Robert Schoch and Colette Dowell
- Pseudo-scientific validation
- Christian Schwarz-Schilling, Mr. Osmanagic’s High Representative?
- For lack of any scientific arguments, the Osmanagic team uses threats...
- Egyptian news
- The Academician, the pyramids and the Moon
- A correspondence with Dr. Barakat
- "What happened to the objective and unbiased journalism?"
- One more, one less...
- The Egyptians and Semir Osmanagic’s Theatre of the Absurd
- An outstanding team of experts
- The Dentist, the Architect, their Foreman and the Customer Service Manager
- Russian nesting academies
- His Royal Highness Prince Mensur or: the pyramids, the comet and the Queen of England
Pseudoscientific methodology
- A certain lack of professionalism
- A little bit of numerology
- Of credulity
- Did you say "interview"?
- Artifacts
- Three little turns and then they go away...
- Nadija Nukic : "Osmanagic has driven away the scientists from the project"
- Brick-a-brac...
- Beneath contempt
- Of transparency and scientific integrity
- EU Times and the pyramids
- The Dentist and the Giant Mussel
- Dr. Semir Osmanagic, Fake Article Scandal
- Pseudo-festival, pseudo-awards …
- Chasing the Dragon (Project)
"Evidence" and "scientific reports" from the Foundation
- A "perfect" pyramid?
- The "discovery" of the pyramid of the Sun
- How old?
- The "valley of the pyramids"
- The geological probes
- The geophysical (satellite) analysis
- Of tunnels...
- Mysterious spheres...
- Scientific reports from July 2006
- "Noah’s Ark", fresh water tank, and ice melting
- Tombs, megaliths, and mysterious symbols
- Mars, Egypt, and Bosnia
- Mr. Osmanagic explains the pyramids to the visitors
- The "excavation report" for 2006
- Alternative geology
- At last, Dr. Barakat’s report
- In search of the lost reports
- In which the "proto-Bosnian" alphabet is mentioned again
- Some thoughts about Dr. Nabil Swelim’s report
- Tunnels, fossilized wood and radiocarbon dating
- Cover up that report, which I can’t endure to look on...
- Carbon 14 dating - the next episode
- Mishandling archaeoacoustics
The reality of the "pyramids"
- "No pyramids"
- The "Pyramid of the Sun" - Visocica
- The "Pyramid of the Moon" - Pljesevica
- Geology of the Bosnian "pyramids"
- Artifacts again...
- Stone balls : in France too!
- Did the Bosnian pyramids builders come through France ?
- Frauds, myths and mysteries: Feder on "Bosnian pyramids"
- A concrete tale
- Exercise for archaeology students...
- Light at the end of the tunnel?
- There and Back Again
- Irna interviewed about the "Bosnian pyramids" (December 2013)
- A letter from Bosnia: in search of pyramids
- Real archaeology
Around the pyramids: the Bosnian context
- An open letter from the Bosnian scientific community
- How the Bosnian scientific institutions see Mr. Osmanagic’s project
- How the Bosnian scientific institutions see Mr. Osmanagic’s project - part 2 (and end?)
- "Pyramids" shaped by Romans?
- The Galileo Gambit
- Any resemblance to existing persons...
- Help save Vjetrenica
- An initiative to raise awareness about the crisis of Bosnian cultural institutions
- The Secret of the Pyramid
Paolo Debertolis and the SBRG
- SB Research Group
- The Dentist, the Architect, their Foreman and the Customer Service Manager
- The Dentist and the Giant Mussel
- Abacus tries again
- Abacus goes around in ever-decreasing spirals
- Hijacking an archaeological heritage
- Vanishing web articles
- Chasing the Dragon (Project)
- Quaterbolis and the Pit and the Pendulum
- Mishandling archaeoacoustics
- Non-existent conferences
- A response to Professor Debertolis
- The "deliriums corner"

- "Revelation of the Pyramids": Sitchin, or not Sitchin ?
- "Revelation of the pyramids": At the center of the landmass
- "Revelation of the Pyramids": Jacques Grimault’s sources - I
- "Revelation of the Pyramids": Jacques Grimault’s sources - II
- "Revelation of the Pyramids": Jacques Grimault’s sources - III
- Tilted Equator?

- Pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle
- Lexique
- Pyramidiotic bloopers
- Honey in the pyramids
- K2019, endgame
- Putting the Hype into Hyperborea
- Trouble in the Balkans
- Desperately Seeking Shambhalla

- OOPArt? The Dorchester Pot
- The radioactive skeletons of Mohenjo Daro.
- A Congressman and the Mummies of Nasca: When pseudoscience is worse than a horror movie
- All that nature can never do, part I: pyramids
- All that nature can never do, part II: pavements and tiled floors
- All that nature can never do, part III : "ripple-marks"
- All that nature can never do, part IV: stone spheres
- All that nature can never do, part V: conglomerate or concrete?
- Stone balls in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland
- All that nature can never do, part VI : Liesegang Rings
- All that nature can never do, part VII : walls
- All that nature can never do, part VIII: sedimentary structures
- Pareidolia
- "Holographic" pyramids

- The Strange Journey of Humphries Brewer
- An interesting project needs your help!
- From Sensation to Condemnation: The story behind the so-called "Nazca Mummies"
Documents about the Bosnian "pyramids"
- Links to texts and analyses on the Bosnian "pyramids" affair
- Sarajevo Conference, 2008 - Abstracts
- Semir Osmanagic’s thesis
- Documents - Presse
- Documents - Geology
- Discussions of the pyramids "affair"
- Addressing Invented Heritage: the Case of the Bosnian Pyramids
- Authority and the production of knowledge in archaeology
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cultural Heritage on the Brink
- The Biggest Hoax In History
- Buried Land