Italian original text :
Dear SB Research Group Director,
We have learned that, in direct contravention of a principle of the constitution, you have seen fit to publish, without any consent or authorization on our part, private email correspondence between you and a member of our team.
Without dwelling on the legal consequences that such an action would normally incur - which we are putting to one side for the moment - it is our intention now to reply to you with regard to your statement. Our overriding concern here is that of dealing with information that has now been revealed as having the potential for a promising and enlightening discussion.
We would like to inform you that, in fact, the only prefatory comments to have been published by us have appeared on several sites concerned with the same sort of material that appears on our forum (and on your website). So we imagine that there must be more visitors to other sites who are equally keen to learn more about the subject at present being studied by the research group that you represent.
We would further like to inform you that it is our intention to invite you, as of now, to take part in a discussion of the material that we will shortly be publishing, with this undertaking: if it can be clearly demonstrated, following the application of all reasonable tests, that anything written by us is not an accurate representation of the situation, we will modify our articles in accordance with your explanation.
In the meantime, we invite you to give consideration to the questions already posted to you - questions that were civil, but certainly certainly not deferential - and prepare to deal with a topic on which you yourself are the expert.
EclisseForum, for its part, will put at your disposal a completely formal discussion area, with moderation based on compliance with the forum rules.
At this point, we would like to explain to our readers that, because of a copyright restriction imposed on us by the SB Research Group, which had learned of our intention to investigate various issues of great interest, we are currently reworking material that had previously been gathered.
In the hope that, during the interlude of the next five days, we will receive some indication of a positive reply from you concerning information from a CROSS-SECTION OF SOURCES (not just one), and in respect of the RIGHT OF CRITICISM, we hope that you will accept our very best wishes.
The administration team