One can actually wonder, seeing some "artifacts" - at least Mr. Osmanagic would probably call them that - that I found in Saint-André de Rosans in the region Hautes-Alpes. I went there to look closer at the stone balls (en), and was quite surprised to encounter, in the same sandstone layers that contain the balls, some phenomena indisputably similar to those Mr. Osmanagic uses in Bosnia to back his hypothesis.
First it is, on the surface of the Serre d’Autruy plateau, the presence of a sandstone "pavement":

Of course it is much less regular than the Pljesevica pavements: a geologist would explain you that it is due to the fact that the Rosans sandstones are a massive and homogenous bank, when the Pljesevica layers are alternatively thin marly and calcareous beds, that makes them more prone to fracture in regular "paving-stones". But I couldn’t help to wonder: what if this plateau were part of a pyramid?
Then I noticed, in these same sandstones, numerous ornaments, either colored rings:

(click on the photographs to see them full size and appreciate the fineness and the details of these decorations)
or ondulating bands:

It immediately reminded me of the "ornated" and "processed" stones found on the Bosnian "pyramids", like this one:

or that one:
There again, a geologist raised in the "official science" would explain that these rings and bands are "Liesegang rings" and "Liesegang bandings" made by fluids circulating in the stone and by the diffusion and the precipitation of metallic oxydes. But what if it were rather some prehistoric art, evidence of an ancient civilization? Maybe the village inhabitants think so, who re-use these decorated stones in their house walls:

Sometimes this decoration is even sculpted:

like in Pljesevica :
I prefer to see there man made engravings, rather than the result of weathering on the "Liesegang rings" (the parts where the metallic oxydes were precipitated being more resistant than the other parts).
The Saint-André sandstone blocks are also full of nice little (centimetric) metallic concretions:

Sometimes these concretions are gone from the rock, leaving behind them their imprint:

But could not these "holes", in which one can sometimes find remains of metallic oxydes, be rather "molds" used to cast metal, like this one?
Stone balls, pavements, decorated stones, mysterious artifacts... do I lack something in order to open an "Archaeological Park : Pyramids of the Baronnies" in Saint-André de Rosans? Oh yes, of course, pyramids! Never mind, I’ll find some vaguely triangular hills, there are lots of them in the vicinity. Look, I already got two of them in the background of this photograph:

And if someone were to notice that they are far from being perfect pyramids, I’ll just have to say they were destroyed by an earthquake...