Liens vers des textes et analyses sur l’affaire des "pyramides" de Bosnie
Article mis en ligne le 24 mars 2011

par Irna


European Association of Archaeologists

Declaration - 11 December 2006

That Bosnian pyramid ! by Anthony Harding - The European Archaeologist, Issue no. 25 : Summer 2006, pages 2-5

British Archaeology

The great Bosnian pyramid scheme by Anthony Harding - British Archaeology, Issue 92, January/February 2007

Archaeology Magazine - A publication of the Archaeological Institute of America

’Bosnian pyramids’ : A pseudoarchaeological myth and a threat to the existing cultural and historical heritage of Bosnia-Herzegovina - Letter to Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, 12 June 2006

Pyramid Scheme by Beth Kampschror - Volume 59 Number 4, July/August 2006

The Bosnia-Atlantis Connection by Mark Rose - April 27, 2006

Bosnian "Pyramids" Update by Mark Rose - June 14, 2006

More on Bosnian "Pyramids" by Mark Rose - June 27, 2006

Dr. Hawass’ letter to Mark Rose - June 27, 2006

Online Journal in Public Archaeology

FORUM : The limits of collaboration. Osmanagic in the campus - Volume 2 -2012 p. 24-54

Content :
 This forum responds to the controversy generated after the invitation of Semir Osmanagic to give a lecture at Linnaeus University.
 Pyramids, Performance and Pseudoscience at Visoko, by Tera Pruitt
 Osmanagic and Mayanism, by Johan Normark
 Comment on Osmanagic’s visit, by Lorna Richardson
 Comment to Osmanagic’s conference, by Beatriz Comendador Rey
 Beyond belief : Making mountains out of molehills, or pyramids out of..., by Geoff Carver
 Learning about the past from the Bosnian pyramids ? by Cornelius Holtorf and Jacob Hilton.

Alun Salt

Bosnian Pyramids : Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Atlantis - History News Network, posted on Monday, May 29, 2006, Update Jun 15 2006

Keith Fitzpatrick-Matthews

The Bosnian ‘pyramids’ of Semir Osmanagić - Bad Archaeology, posted on October 30, 2011

Archaeological Review from Cambridge

Archaeology and the (De)Construction of Bosnian Identity by Danijel Dzino - Vol. 27.2, November 2012

Andrew Lawler

The “pyramids” in B&H are totally natural - Novo Vrijeme, published May 18, 2014

Carl Feagans

Bosnian Pyramid Hoax : an Overview (Part 1) - A Hot Cup of Joe / Archaeology Review, posted on January 19, 2017

Bosnian Pyramid Hoax : an Overview (Part 2) - A Hot Cup of Joe / Archaeology Review, posted on January 19, 2017


Robert Schoch

The Bosnian Pyramid Phenomenon - originally published in The New Archaeology Review, volume 1, issue 8, pages 16-17, September 2006

The Bosnian Pyramid Phenomenon - The piece is a slightly modified version of an article that was published in the September 2006 issue (Volume 1, Issue 8) of The New Archaeology Review.

Pyramid No More - Sub Rosa, Issue Six, pages 5-9,
October 2006

Paul Heinrich

Megaspherulites - BackBender’s Gazette, vol. 38, no. 7, July 2007, pp. 8-12

The Giant Concretions of Rock City, Kansas - BackBender’s Gazette. vol. 38, no. 8, August 2007, pp. 6-12

Paul Heinrich’s geological postings on the "Bosnian Pyramid" - In the Hall of Maat, 2005-2006

Gorazd Žibret
(Géologue du Geološki zavod Slovenije, il a réalisé un rapport en 2006 qui n’a jamais été publié par la Fondation)

Geological report of the brief geological inspection in the Visoko area, focused on the Visočica hill, Arhiv GeoZS, 2006

Texte du rapport (sans les photos) en ligne sur ce forum.


Smithsonian magazine

The Mystery of Bosnia’s Ancient Pyramids by Colin Woodard - December 2009


Mad About Pyramids by John Bohannon - 22 September 2006 Vol 313, pages 1718-1720

Researchers Helpless as Bosnian Pyramid Bandwagon Gathers Pace by John Bohannon - 22 December 2006 Vol 314, page 1862

Discover Magazine

The Man Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Pyramid by John Bohannon - November 2008 issue ; published online October 22, 2008

Southeast European Times

Excavations for Bosnian Valley of Pyramids continue despite ridicule by Jusuf Ramadanovic - October 9, 2008

Outside Magazine

Love Triangles by Joshua Foer - May 2007

The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Great Pyramids of ... Bosnia ? by Colin Woodard - March 30, 2007

Ridiculed Pyramid Project in Bosnia Gains Government Support by Colin Woodard - July 27, 2007