Apparently, my article on stecci and "hijacking" by Mr. Osmanagic and his friends did not necessarily find favour in the eyes of quite everyone. At least, not in the eyes of one of the ‘researchers’ from the ‘SB Research Group’, Professor Paolo Debertolis, an odontologist by profession (and be careful not to refer to him as a "dentist", a description to which he takes great exception (it)). In my article, I singled out the many errors that he was making on the question of the stecci. Did he think that it might on the whole be preferable if these errors were airbrushed from the records? Whatever: between 12th May, the date when I first uploaded my own article onto Le Site d’Irna, and today, 17th May, Mr Debertolis seems to have taken the opportunity to indulge in a little judicious spring cleaning on his own site, Salviamoci nel 2012, for his six articles on the subject of stecci, the articles to which I posted links, have all disappeared! [1] Let us examine the question in more detail …
My article began by mentioning a series of three Notizie (news items) published on Salviamoci nel 2012 in the ‘Archaeology’ section. These three news items, dating from late August and September 2010, appeared under the general title of Le sfere, il Sole e le pietre taumaturgiche nella Civiltà di Visoko in Bosnia (“The spheres, the sun and the magic-working stones of the Visoko Civilization in Bosnia”), and included Mr. Debertolis’ analysis and interpretation of stecci and stone spheres, which he believes are linked to the mysterious "Visoko civilization"; one article in particular, dated 27th September 2010, discussed what Debertolis calls the "symbology" of this civilization. But all three Notizie, although still accessible on 12th May, have now vanished, and any reader clicking on one of these three links:
28th August:
4th September:
27th September
is met only with this kind of screen:
that is, the comments on the Notizie, but without the accompanying articles themselves. It goes without saying that it’s a bit of a disappointment that the original articles are no longer available, especially in view of the fanfares with which, on other forums, Mr. Debertolis had announced their publication:
28th August:
4th September:
27th September:
However, the pages are still available for a time in Google cache: Part One, Part Two, Part Three. But, as they will not be there indefinitely, below appear links to the cached versions as captured today (17th May 2011):
The other three items to which I linked in the stecci article have completely disappeared from Salviamoci nel 2012 [2]. These particular articles did not appear on the forum itself, but under the heading ‘Articles’, sub-heading ‘Archaeology’. Their collective title was Gli altri manufatti della Civiltà di Visoko in Bosnia ("Other artifacts from the civilization of Visoko in Bosnia"), and they were individually titled as follows:
the first one, Ossia oltre alle piramidi troviamo anche le sfere, gli stecak e gli obelischi (“Besides the pyramids there are also spheres, stecak and obelisks”);
the second, Parliamo ora degli stecak (“Now let’s discuss stecak”);
and the last, Cerchiamo di capire la simbologia della Civiltà di Visoko (“Let’s try to understand the symbology of the Visoko Civilization”).
It’s in these articles, especially in the second ("Now let’s discuss stecak" ), where professor Debertolis makes the greatest number of fundamental errors on the subject of the tombstones. With a view to these slip-ups not being lost to posterity, and so that readers following a link to one of these items don’t just land up on an ominous page 404 [3], I am pleased to make available the material that I captured yesterday (16th May 2011):
Sommaire des Notizie le 15 avril 2011
Version enregistrée par le cache de Google - Résumé of the Notizie of 15th April 2011 - As captured in Google cache - Source
Sommaire des Notizie le 17 mai 2011
Résumé of the Notizie of 17th May 2011 - Source
Sommaire des Articoli le 8 avril 2011
Version enregistrée par le cache de Google - Résumé of the Articoli of 8th April 2011 - As captured in Google cache - Source
Sommaire des Articoli le 17 mai 2011
Résumé of the Articoli 17th May 2011 - Source
Update, May 25th
Prof. Debertolis is presently moving his site to a new internet address, supposedly because of ’piracy’ (of which I’ll write in more details in a few days). Most of the articles from the old site have found their new place, but curiously not the six items mentioning stecci that I describe above ...